Do It Now

Earlier this evening Mandy set up and lit the fire pit we had bought in the Spring. We had planned to use it in the summer, when the evenings were long and warm, and we could invite friends round to enjoy it with us. We never did.

As I was enjoying the fire pit this evening, I thought, “We should have done this sooner!” This evening wasn’t long enough to take advantage of the fire pit – it got dark fairly quickly. The weather may not be it is now until next Spring, so I’ve wasted a summer of opportunities to sit outside and be relaxed. I had also planned to listen to music by Ludovico Einaudi whilst reading, but as I hadn’t copied the albums to my phone, I had to settle with music to The Most Incredible Thing by Pet Shop Boys. Another case of not being prepared.

So my advice is this: Don’t put things off because you think there might be a better opportunity later – those opportunities may not come. Plus, as the Boy Scouts motto says “Be prepared”. Do it now.